Ten Signs You May Be Overcontrolling Your Children |
In raising your
children, you... |
1. Micromanage their eating, appearance,
hobbies, or social life |
2. Give affection as a reward but withdraw it
as punishment |
3. Criticize your children far more than you
praise them |
4. Violate your children's privacy |
5. Override, discount or
ridicule your children's strong emotions |
6. Forbid your children from asking questions
or disagreeing with you |
7. Are unwilling to admit your mistakes in
parenting |
8. Believe that you own your
children and that they have to earn your love |
9. See your children's desires for
independence and autonomy as a personal rejection |
10. Inflict physical, sexual, verbal, or
emotional abuse on your children |
If you
are concerned you are overcontrolling your children, click
here for helpful resources
about finding a psychotherapist |
If You Had Controlling Parents: How to Make Peace With
Your Past and Take Your Place in the World
by HarperCollins. Copyright © Dan
Neuharth, Ph.D. All rights reserved. |
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