| |
Number of Adults in the USA
Raised with Unhealthy
Control: 15
Estimated Percentage of
Were Themselves
Raised with Unhealthy
50 Percent

In a survey of adults raised with
unhealthy control, percentages who said:
As children they felt...
 | Forbidden to question or disagree with
their parents: 90 percent |
 | Pleasing their parents was more
important than being themselves: 86 percent |
 | Tense or on guard when their parents
were around: 96 percent |
 | That it was not okay to express anger,
fear or sadness: 96 percent |
 | Hemmed in and without choices: 96 percent |
As adults they...
 | Feel perfectionistic, driven, or rarely
satisfied: 82 percent |
 | Worry or ruminate over confrontations: 96 percent |
 | Are easily angered around controlling
people: 91 percent |
 | Feel extra-sensitive to criticism: 91 percent |
 | Feel tense when they think about
visiting their parents: 78 percent |
 | Feel that their
don't really know them as they really are: 91 percent
 | Feel that it has taken a long time to
separate from their parents: 82 percent |
In retrospect, their parents...
 | Seemed unwilling to admit it when they
were wrong: 100 percent |
 | Seemed unaware of the pain they caused
others: 100 percent |
 | Viewed the world in right-or-wrong,
black-and-white terms: 96 percent |
 | Encouraged connections with others
outside the family: 14 percent |
 | Encouraged their children to express
feelings: 5 percent |
Estimates from
If You Had Controlling
Parents: How to Make Peace with Your Past and Take Your Place in the World, HarperCollins
Publishers, 1999
Survey results from a questionnaire of 40 adults age 23-58 who grew up
with unhealthy control
Helpful resources about parental overcontrol
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